historical source under risk of censorship. dire threat to 9 WORLDS project and norse history.

in sweden right now, the government is threatening to ban nordic runes, even religious and historical ones (THE ENTIRE WRITTEN LANGUAGE), becuase nazis. no really, a thousand and more years of lore and culture, they want it gone.

9 WORLDS is the video game personification of the lore they're currently trying to kill. if the lore goes down, so does this project.

sweden is the cradle of the whole history, and what starts in one country spreads to another.

they are trying to erase history right now. please help. please stop it. this is not right.


The government's reported plans to ban the traditional runic alphabet alongside heathen imagery, due to their alleged popularity in Neo-Nazi circles, have sparked the ire of politicians and ordinary Swedes alike.

The government is currently investigating the possibility of banning the use of old Norse runes, the Swedish news outlet Samhällsnytt reported.

The background to the investigation, lobbied by Social Democrat Justice Minister Morgan Johansson, is the Swedish neo-Nazis' alleged predilection with the runic script, despite the fact that it predates the spread of neo-Nazi ideology by a thousand years.


Banning an entire written language restricts the freedom of religion, which is backed by the Swedish Constitution and international conventions, they argued. Additionally, by adding contrived meaning to the runic script, the government is making the same mistake as the Nazis, who widely utilised Nordic imagery.


In protest against the government's plans, the Asa Society has started a campaign under the motto "Don't touch our runes". The "Battle of Runes" campaign has gathered almost 10,000 signatures.


On Friday, 24 May, a manifestation outside of the House of Parliament will be held.

PLEASE SAVE HISTORY FROM BEING ERASED. this isn't okay. if you want this project to live, you need to stop this censorship.

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